A Mexican couple from Puebla, Mexico got married to celebrate their love. This wedding was in Newark, New Jersey. After the ceremony we went to a park to take some outdoor wedding photographs. This was a Mexican traditional wedding. The food was Mexican mole poblano with the traditional rice and beans. I have some of those pictures here:
http://www.lupitaphotography.com/micaela-juan-wedding/index.htmAre you traveling to NYC (New York City) to get married? Do you need a wedding photographer? I have special packages for couples that will travel to Manhattan, Big Apple to make their dream come true.
I am located in Brooklyn and I can travel to the 5 boroughs of New York City ( NYC: Bronx, Staten Island, Queens and Manhattan ) , NJ, Long Island, Mt Vemon, White Plains, Upstate NY, Yonkers, New Rochelle, Massapequa, Fire Island, Nassau County, Long Islang, Newark, Elizabeth, Union City, East Orange, Passaic, Hoboken, Paterson, Edison, Atlantic City, New Jersey, hartford, Danbury, Stamford, New Haven, Bridgeport, Albany, Connecticut, CT, Massachusetts, Vermon and other States of the U. S.
Esta boda mexicana fue en Newark, New Jersey. Despues de la ceremonia religiosa fuimos a un parque cercano para tomar fotos de los recien casados. La novia y el novio son originarios de Puebla, Mexico. Esta fue una boda tradicional Mexicana. La comida consistio de mole poblano, frijoles, arroz, tortillas calientitas...todavia de recordarlo se me hace agua la boca. Puedes ver algunas de las fotos que tome aqui:
http://www.lupitaphotography.com/micaela-juan-wedding/index.htmViajaras a la Ciudad de Nueva York para casarte? Necesitas un fotografo? Tengo paquetes especiales de boda para parejas que viajaran a la Gran Manzana para realizar su sueño realidad.
Trabajo en toda la Ciudad de Nueva York (Brooklyn, Manhattan, Queens, Bronx y Staten Island). Mt Vemon, White Plains, Upstate NY, Yonkers, New Rochelle, Massapequa, Fire Island, Nassau County, Long Islang, Newark, Elizabeth, Union City, East Orange, Passaic, Hoboken, Paterson, Edison, Atlantic City, Nueva Jersey - NJ, hartford, Danbury, Stamford, New Haven, Bridgeport, Albany, Connecticut - CT, Massachusetts, Vermon, ect. También puedo viajar a otros estados.