Monday, March 7, 2011

Lupita Photography: Programa de referidos. Nueva York.

Programa de referidos:

Estamos listo para empezar un Nuevo año. No podriamos haberlo hecho sin el apoyo de nuestros clientes.

LP no tiene un programa de referidos oficial todavia. Nos alaga saber que les gustaron las fotos y nos recomiendan con su familia y sus amistades. Ustedes son muy importantes para nosotros y por eso queremos crear un programa por medio del cual les compensemos por sus recomendaciones.

Si refiere alguién y esa persona firma el contrato, usted gana, ellos ganan y LP gana. ¡Todos ganamos!
  1. $50.00 dolares
  2. Foto 16x20
  3. $50.00 dolares de descuento en tu próximo paquete de fotos.
  4. Otro (sugiere algo)
  5. Otro (sugiere algo)

LP quiere desarrollar este programa pensando en tus necesidades. Por favor deja un comentario en el blog sobre que te gustaria. Tus comentarios no tienen que ser solo sobre este programa, pero tambien sobre otras cosas. Lo que hacemos es nuestra pasión y nos gustaría saber de ti.

Dile a la personas que refieras a Lupita Photography que nos deje saber tu nombre para que podamos recompensarte.

Enfoque en fotografia para bodas, quinceanos y otros eventos: Wedding, Sweet 16 photography: New York City: Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan, Queens. Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut and other States in the U.S.A. Can travel to other countries, as well.

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Lupita Photography: Referral Program - New York

Lupita Photography: Referral Program

We love our clients! We are getting ready to start a new year in business. We couldn’t have done it without the loyal client-base we have.

LP has no an official referral program yet.  You are so valuable to us, and it’s the greatest compliment in the world when you like your photographs enough to recommend us to your friends and family.

We would like to have a referral program to anyone (who refers a client to us that books a package) and current clients. If you refer somebody and they sign the contract, you win, they win and LP wins. We all win. How nice is that!


a)     $50.00 dollars
b)    16x20 print
c)     $50.00 dollars off your next package
d)    Other___________________
e)     Other___________________

LP wants to develop this referral program with your needs in mind, so please leave a comment on the blog and tell us what you would like. And it doesn’t just have to be regarding the referral program, either – This is our passion, and we want to hear from you! What do you like? What would you love to see?

Make sure your friends let LP knows who referred them so that you get the credit.

Enfoque en fotografia para bodas, quinceanos y otros eventos: Wedding, Sweet 16 photography: New York City: Bronx, Brooklyn, Staten Island, Manhattan, Queens. Long Island, New Jersey, Connecticut and other States in the U.S.A. Can travel to other countries, as well.